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Prospective Students

If you are interested in a MASc* or PhD position or undergraduate research experience with the Hub for Advancing Buildings, please send an email with the subject line “HAB MASc Application” OR “HAB PhD Application” to the professor(s) you would like to work with. The body of your email should address the following question in a few sentences: “Why specifically are you looking to do your graduate degree with [the specified professors]?” and your email should include the following attachments:

  • your CV
  • your transcripts
  • one writing sample (preferably related, published work)

Note that due to the large volume of applications received, only promising applicants will be contacted. Please do not send your application more than once.

Prospective graduate students, please consider applying to the following graduate scholarship programs: NSERCOGS and others.

*Due to funding constraints we are not considering International MASc Students at this time.


Dr. Sarah Haines

Dr. Sarah Haines

Principal Investigator

Dr. Seungjae Lee

Dr. Seungjae Lee

Principal Investigator

Dr. Jeffrey Siegel

Dr. Jeffrey Siegel

Principal Investigator

Dr. Marianne Touchie

Dr. Marianne Touchie

Principal Investigator