Yuan Cao

Yuan Cao

PhD Candidate

Personal Website

Yuan received her BASc degree in the Department of Building from the National University of Singapore. Her research focuses on exploring the impact of IEQ on occupants’ wellbeing and behaviours in Multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs).


Wellbeing and the Built Environment: Exploration of Multi-unit Residential Buildings (MURBs)

Wellbeing and the Built Environment: Exploration of Multi-unit Residential Buildings (MURBs)

Research exploring the impact of multi-unit residential buildings and office buildings on inhabitant wellbeing

Health and comfort Energy and GHG emissions


Journal Publications
  • Morgan, G. T., Coleman, S., Robinson, J. B., Touchie, M. F., Poland, B., Jakubiec, A., Macdonald, S., Lach, N., & Cao, Y. “Wellbeing as an emergent property of social practice”. Buildings and Cities, (2022) 3(1), pp. 756–771. doi:10.5334/bc.262

Conference Publications
  • Cao, Y., Lee, S., Touchie, M.F. “Developing a framework to assess the IEQ and occupants’ comfort and behaviour in residential buildings: a pilot study,” in the 18th Healthy Buildings Europe Conference, Aachen, Germany, June 11-14, 2023