MT_2021 – The role of occupants in buildings’ energy performance gap: Myth or reality?

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Mahdavi, A., Berger, C., Amin, H., Ampatzi, E., Korsholm Andersen, R., Azar, E., Barthelmes, V.M., Favero, M., Hahn, J., Khovalyg, D., Knudsen, H.N., Navarro, A.L., Roetzel, A., Sangogboye, F.C., Schweiker, M., Taheri, M., Teli, D., Touchie, M.F., Verbruggen, S. “The role of occupants in buildings’ energy performance gap: Myth or reality?,” Sustainability, 13(6), (2021) 3146. doi: 10.3390/su13063146